
Nena Daconte

Nena Daconte

Mai, Nena Daconte, grew up as a child listening to the musical references of her older brothers: The Beatles, The Byrds, The Who, REM, Nacha Pop, Elvis Costello, Los Secretos… Music had caught her. Later, as a teenager, Mai formed a pop rock band with which she played covers of Led Zeppelin, Radiohead or The Cranberries, along with her own songs in bars in Malasaña, in Madrid, such as Al Lab’Oratorio. At that time he began to study opera singing, piano, music theory, harmony, because pop music was not a serious matter for his parents. Between the chords of the Beatles’ songs and his classical music studies, he began to compose his first songs as a therapy.

That famous Operación Triunfo made him live an experience that helped him to know from the inside the world of the music industry, something he is very grateful for. A door opened for Mai. She founded Nena Daconte, a label with which she self-released her first album and met success thanks to songs like Idiota, En qué estrella estará or Tenía tanto que darte, composed, like all the songs, by the same Nunca, who always debated around the idea of loneliness, the obsession with the search for love, or the loss of illusion due to the passage of time. Nena Daconte returns revindicating her pop rock past with the independent label Subterfuge, which has seen a composer of beautiful and authentic songs, full of catchy melodies and pop choruses, to which the producer Dani Alcober, known for records like “Devil came to me” of the extinct Dover, has dressed with the most simple and direct pop rock of the nineties.